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Results 1651 to 1680 of 2459:
Monitoring the damage to epicuticular waxes at silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.) in the changing air pollution spectrum of the Ore MountainsEmilie Bednářová, Jiří KučeraActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2011, 59(5), 9-16|DOI:10.11118/actaun201159050009 |
Water sorption properties of Dutch type semi-hard cheese edge in the range of common storing temperaturesMaria Carolina Soares Pereira, Jiří Štencl, Bohumíra Janštová, Václav VlášekActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2011, 59(5), 203-208|DOI:10.11118/actaun201159050203 |
Augmented reality implementation methods in mainstream applicationsDavid Procházka, Tomáš KoubekActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2011, 59(4), 257-266|DOI:10.11118/actaun201159040257 |
The effect of the age of dogs on their ejaculateRadek Filipčík, M. Vágenknechtová, M. Hošek, L. JarinkovičováActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2011, 59(3), 45-50|DOI:10.11118/actaun201159030045 |
Political instability and economic growth: an empirical evidence from the Baltic statesLadislava Grochová, Luděk KoubaActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2011, 59(2), 81-88|DOI:10.11118/actaun201159020081 |
The development of income and income differentiation in the Czech Republic according to the EU SILCJana PřikrylováActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2011, 59(2), 231-236|DOI:10.11118/actaun201159020231 |
COMPETITIVE INTELLIGENCE - NÁSTROJ ZÍSKÁVÁNÍ SPECIFICKÝCH PODKLADŮ PRO STRATEGICKÁ ROZHODOVÁNÍ VRCHOLOVÉHO VEDENÍ PODNIKUFrantišek BartesActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2010, 58(6), 43-50|DOI:10.11118/actaun201058060043 This article deals with the Competitive Intelligence perception with the regards of its relation to Business Intelligence concept. In this paper the author makes his own definition of Competitive Intelligence. Author describes his Competitive Intelligence concept based on state intelligence service principles with the difference that author takes in consideration only the usage of legal information sources and legal working methods. The basis for his Competitive Intelligence understanding is kept in comparison of the two different meanings of the word information. Author states for the Competitive Intelligence needs is necessary to understand the word information in not only its own meaning as objective entity, but is it also needed relate this information with receiver (analytics), who is able to interpret the content of the information based on his/her knowledge and experiences. This way the author understands the Competitive Intelligence as a prediction about future external environment situation. Further the author describes the Competitive Intelligence as an application discipline of systems theory. In discussion part is the attention paid to Competitive Intelligence units in advanced industrialized countries, mainly to Competitive Intelligence Center and Innovation Intelligence Center. |
Vliv kompetencí na hodnotu společnostiKamila Růžičková, Petr NovákActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2010, 58(6), 415-420|DOI:10.11118/actaun201058060415 Competent management of a company is an important generator of a company value. The aim of the article is to provide detailed academic discussion of the human capital potential and its effects on the value of the company. Attention is paid especially to the definition of the human resources in this context and possible measurability, assuming what can be measured, can be increased. Although the company value can be measured by financial analyses tools, we have in the article moved on to the empirical dimension and provide a theoretical framework of the represented issue. Firstly, we stressed the importance of knowledge in the society of today, secondly, we outlined the indispensability of the intellectual capital for the companies and after that we dealt with the human capital itself, both competences and competencies and their measurability. Based on the partial results, the figure describing the creation of company value was formed; we identified important variables and one of the triggers of these variables. |
NEZBYTNÁ VÝMĚRA PŮDY PRO PLÁN SPOLEČNÝCH ZAŘÍZENÍ POZEMKOVÝCH ÚPRAV A JEJÍ ZÁVISLOSTRichard Filip, Jana PodhrázskáActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2010, 58(5), 97-106|DOI:10.11118/actaun201058050097 The project of common facilities is a very important part of the process of land arrangement. It helps to ensure a lot of public functions, for example permeability of landscape, to preserve fertility of soil, to decrease surface outflow and prevention from floods, the protection and production of environment etc. It is essential to ensure sufficient land area to be able to suggest and carry out such plans of common facilities. It will be more and more difficult to ensure this plan due to the fact that the state-owned land is still decreasing. In the areas where the state-owned land still exists, it could be possible to reserve the part of these areas for this objective. This study analyses projects of common facilities in 33 cadastral areas and series of another variable values with the aim to find or to exclude different dependences. It could also help to estimate the extent of reserve areas. The most of examined values did not show any dependence but some of the tested values show the certain dependence. |
HYDROBIOLOGICKÁ STUDIE MALÉHO TOKU NA ČESKOMORAVSKÉ VRCHOVINĚIvo Sukop, Jan Šťastný, Tomáš Vítek, Tomáš BrabecActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2010, 58(4), 213-222|DOI:10.11118/actaun201058040213 Zoobenthos of the Fryšávka Rivulet was investigated in the years 2007-2008. Research included also physico-chemical factors of water (temperature, pH, conductivity, oxygen saturation). Altogether, 144 taxa of zoobenthos were determined in the Fryšávka Rivulet: Coelenterata (1 taxon), Turbellaria (1 taxon), Oligochaeta (6 taxa), Hirudinea (1 taxon), Mollusca (5 taxa), Amphipoda (1 taxon), Decapoda (1 taxon), Acari (1 taxon), Ephemeroptera (18 taxa), Plecoptera (18 taxa), Heteroptera (1 taxon), Megaloptera (1 taxon), Planipennia (1 taxon), Trichoptera (36 taxa), Coleoptera (8 taxa), Diptera (44 taxa). Altogether, 76 taxa of zoobenthos were determined in Medlovka brook: Coelenterata (1 taxon), Turbellaria (1 taxon), Oligochaeta (2 taxa), Mollusca (1 taxon), Isopoda (1 taxon), Amphipoda (1 taxon), Acari (1 taxon), Ephemeroptera (14 taxa), Plecoptera (8 taxa), Megaloptera (1 taxon), Trichoptera (17 taxa), Coleoptera (6 taxa), Diptera (22 taxa). |
PRODEJNÍ ÚSPĚŠNOST BALENÉHO ČERSTVÉHO OVOCE A ZELENINYRadmila Presová, Oldřich Tvrdoň, Lucie HrdáActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2009, 57(6), 215-224|DOI:10.11118/actaun200957060215 The paper deals with the marketability of packaged fruit and vegetables, as a new trend of satisfying consumer needs, in connection with selling-culture of stall selling and self-stores sales. It emphasize fact that food have to be wrapped into the quality, health packages, under the conditions of the Act. 477/2001 Coll. |
Methodological aspects of journaling a dynamic adjusting entry modelVlasta Kašparovská, Jana GláserováActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2011, 59(7), 187-194|DOI:10.11118/actaun201159070187 |
Efficiency of the current municipal waste expenditure - methodology approach and its applicationMichal Struk, Jana SoukopováActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2011, 59(7), 379-386|DOI:10.11118/actaun201159070379 |
The influence intenzity of eutrophication on fishpond yieldTomáš Brabec, Lucie Straková, Radovan Kopp, Tomáš Vítek, Jan Šťastný, Petr Spurný, Jan MarešActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2011, 59(6), 53-62|DOI:10.11118/actaun201159060053 |
Wind erosion on heavy-textured soils: calculation and mappingJana Kozlovsky Dufková, Jana PodhrázskáActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2011, 59(6), 199-208|DOI:10.11118/actaun201159060199 |
Effect of addition of pollen and propolis to feeding mixtures during the production of broiler chickens ROSS 308 to the colour of thigh and breast muscle and pH determinationHana Šulcerová, Michal Mihok, Miroslav Jůzl, Peter HaščíkActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2011, 59(6), 359-366|DOI:10.11118/actaun201159060359 |
The influence of adhesive joint characteristics of the bonded samples of PUR-foamJosef PacovskýActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2011, 59(3), 151-160|DOI:10.11118/actaun201159030151 |
Modelling of chosen selectable factors of the develop of tourism with geographic IT and fuzzy sets usingJitka MachalováActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2011, 59(2), 189-198|DOI:10.11118/actaun201159020189 |
Efficacy of reduced doses of bentazone assessed by instruments based on measurement of chlorophyll fluorescenceVojtěch Kocurek, Michal Vondra, Vladimír SmutnýActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2011, 59(1), 137-144|DOI:10.11118/actaun201159010137 Fluorescence chlorofylu je druh radiace o vlnové délce přibližně 685 nm, která je přirozeně vyzařována rostlinami jako nevyužitá část energie absorbované ze slunečního světla. Její intenzita závisí na mnoha faktorech, jako je stres, výživa, počasí atd. Metody založené na měření fluorescence chlorofylu mají potenciál stát se využitelné pro hodnocení účinnosti herbicidů, fytotoxicity nebo rostlinného stresu. Mouget a Tremblin (2002) uvádějí, že je to metoda nedestruktivní, neinvazivní, rychlá a zároveň velmi citlivá. Používá se ve velké míře k časné detekci abiotického i biotického stresu (vysoká teplota, mráz, sucho, nedostatek živin, infekce, působení herbicidů aj.) (Oukarroum et al., 2007 i Tóth et al., 2007 i Christen et al., 2007) nebo pro hodnocení aktivity antioxidantů či tolerance plodin k chladu (Janda et al., 2005). Současné metody jsou založeny především na subjektivním hodnocení ošetřených rostlin lidskými smysly, což může způsobit určité nepřesnosti. |
KVANTITATIVNÍ SYSTEMIZACE A VIZUALIZACE DAT V MARKETINGOVÉM VÝZKUMU: DETERMINANTY VÝBĚRU POTRAVINJitka Janová, Ladislav StejskalActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2010, 58(6), 179-188|DOI:10.11118/actaun201058060179 The paper aims to fill in the gap in effective interpretation of the results obtained when systemizing the marketing data by cluster analysis. The graphic visualization of the cluster analysis results is developed in the way the marketing information can be more easily readable and interpretable. Using the primary research data concerning decision making process of consumer when purchasing groceries, the systemization of consumers using hierarchical cluster analysis is performed for several sets of consumers' characteristics and for each case the graphic visualization is developed. The graphical information is interpreted and the marketing impacts of the results obtained by the cluster analysis and presented by the visualization are discussed. Range of possible applications of the procedure constructed encompasses also other spheres of primary and secondary marketing research and generally is useful for the effective analyses of various statistical surveys. |
ZHODNOCENÍ PŘÍSTUPŮ KE KATEGORIZACI INOVACÍJakub Tabas, Josef Polák, Michaela BeranováActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2010, 58(6), 563-570|DOI:10.11118/actaun201058060563 Currently innovations are necessary elements of economic growth and competitiveness of companies as well as they are necessary elements of global sustainable development. Even though it is possible to find a wide rouge of definitions of innovation but every one of them is based on different requirements. The aim of submitted article is to compare different approaches to definition of the content of innovation. The authors compare various definitions here and by use of analysis and synthesis, they determine important common elements which are possible to be found in various forms in a number of existing definitions. Then, these elements are compiled into own definition of the content of the term innovation. |
RŮST JEHŇAT KŘÍŽENCŮ PLEMEN ROMANOVSKÁ, SUFFOLK A CHAROLLAIS - VLIV POHLAVÍ, ČETNOSTI VRHU A SEZONYJan Kuchtík, Igor Dobeš, Zdeňka HegedűšováActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2010, 58(5), 233-238|DOI:10.11118/actaun201058050233 The aim of the study was the evaluation of the growth of the lambs crossbreeds of Romanov breed (RO), Suffolk (SF) and Charollais (CH) reared on the organic sheep farm in Kuklík. Following genotypes and effects were evaluated: CH × RO: n = 10, RO: n = 37, RO × (SF × RO): n = 12, SF × (SF × RO): n = 11 and SF × RO: n = 64, sex (males: n = 79, females: n = 55), litter size (singles: n = 16, twins: n = 55, triples and multipath (n = 63) and season of rearing of lambs (winter: n = 84, summer: n = 50). The crossbreeds had a significant effect on all live weights (LWs) and daily gains (DGs) under study. The highest DGs in all periods were found in SF × (SF × RO), whilst the DG from birth till 100 days of age (DG 0-100) was in this group 0.213 kg. The lowest DGs in all periods were found in SF × RO, whilst DG 0-100 was in this group 0.181 kg. The sex had not a significant effect on all DGs and LWs. However in all periods were found higher DGs in males. The litter size had a significant effect on all DGs and LWs. The highest DG 0-100 was found in singles, whilst the triples had higher DG 0-100 than twins (0.184 vs 0.176 kg) The season had not a significant effect on live birth weight. On the other hand this factor had a significant effect on all growth parameters. In all periods were found higher DGs in lambs reared in summer, whereas the DG 0-100 in this group of lambs was 0.223 kg. |
KOMPARACE FINANČNÍHO LEASINGU DLE AKTUÁLNÍ ČESKÉ PRÁVNÍ ÚPRAVY A IAS/IFRS VČETNĚ DAŇOVÝCH ASPEKTŮJana Gláserová, Milena OtavováActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2010, 58(3), 55-66|DOI:10.11118/actaun201058030055 There is intensive effort of the harmonisation of accounting in the world. Primary sence of harmonisation is ensured that individual financial statements of all accounting units were comparable. Notwithstanding there are still significant differences in same areas. This contribution is aimed at define of posting and showing financial leasing according to Czech accounting legislation and international accounting standards IAS/IFRS, and determination of significant differences in these legislation. |
Pravidla převodních cen v členských státech EUVeronika SolilováActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2010, 58(3), 243-250|DOI:10.11118/actaun201058030243 One of the important area of international taxes is transfer pricing. Transfer price is a price set by a taxpayer when selling to, buying from, or sharing resources with a related (associated) person. The transactions between these persons should be assessed at their arm's length price in according the arm's length principle - international accepted standard - as the price which would have been agreed between unrelated parties in free market conditions. |
VLIV NÍZKÝCH TEPLOT NA ROZPAD PŮDNÍCH ČÁSTIC TĚŽKÝCH PŮDJana Kozlovsky DufkováActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2010, 58(2), 161-168|DOI:10.11118/actaun201058020161 Heavy clay soils that are normally resistant to wind erosion, from study site Ostrožská Nová Ves situated in the foothills of the Bílé Karpaty Mountains, Czech Republic, were a subject of laboratory analyses. The analyses should found out the influence of overwinter processes on disruption of soil aggregates and thus reason of vulnerability to soil loss by wind. Two overwinter processes were observed - freezing and thawing, and freeze-drying of the soil. Both processes have indicated the increasing of erodible fraction in dependence of water content of analysed soils. Exposed frozen clay soils that freeze-dries during the winter in the foothills of Bílé Karpaty, leaves soils highly erodible in late winter and early spring. |
Struktura a hustota dřevinné vegetace dvou lesních oblastí narodního státu Amhara, EtiopieMahtot Alemu Biresaw, J. PavlišActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2010, 58(1), 21-32|DOI:10.11118/actaun201058010021 This study was conducted in Jawi and East Belesa districts of the Amhara National Regional State in Ethiopia. It has an objective of describing the vegetation structure in relation to different environmental factors in general and Boswellia papyrifera, which is economically important species in particular. Vegetation data were collected in both sites (Mosebit and Hamusit) using plots of 50 m x 50 m (0.25 ha). In total 15 sample plots were set up. In each plot, all trees with DBH (Diameter at Breast Height), i.e. at 1.3 m above the ground were measured using caliper. In each major plot four subplots (4 m × 4 m) were established. Tree height measured using Hypsometer (Vertex III). Data's on different environmental variables (slope, aspect and altitude) of each plot were also taken respectively using laser rangefinder Impulse 200 Standard, an electronic compass Map-Star Module II and GPS Juno™ ST handheld (Trimble, USA). A total of 58 woody species belonging to 22 families were identified from both sites. A total of 241 trees/ha and 292 trees/ha were found in Mosebit and Hamusit study sites, respectively. The seedling density result indicates 3656 seedlings/ha and 2469 seedlings/ha in Mosebit and Hamusit study areas, respectively. The density of Boswellia Papyrifera, which is economically important species were 140 and 127 tree/ha in Mosebit, and Hamusit study areas, respectively. The relative density of different tree species in different height and diameter classes were determined by altitude, aspect, and gradient of the study areas. The study result concludes that distribution of the species, relative density, height class and diameter class of species in the two sites is dependent on environmental factors. Finally, the findings indicate that the two woodlands harbor, economically important tree species. Therefore, giving due attention in conserving these wood lands is important from ecological, economical and conservation point of view. |
VÝVOJ ALGORITMU SEGMENTACE OBRAZU NA BÁZI RŮSTU OBLASTÍ PRO PROSTŘEDÍ GIS GRASSAleš TippnerActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2010, 58(1), 207-216|DOI:10.11118/actaun201058010207 Image segmentation is fundamental prerequisite for new satellite images interpretation methods. GIS GRASS provides segmentation tools enabling global image segmentation only. We designed procedure enabling local segmentation using existing GRASS tools and segmentation algorithm based on region growing that we developed with C++. This algorithm applies mathematical morphology operators to output segments, too. Principial aim of the project is creation of useful input for differentiation of base land cover classes in panchromatic high-resolution satellite image (or historical aerial photographs for example). |
Analýza požadavků trhu práce a připravenosti vysokoškolských studentůJiří Duda, Tomáš KotrbaActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2006, 54(3), 27-36|DOI:10.11118/actaun200654030027 Educated university graduates are demanded by employers. Requirements of employers on graduates are high; most required are communication skills, decision-making skills, problem solution skills. Very often demand is graduates' willingness to further education, knowledge of foreign languages. The paper describes the opinions of students of Faculty of agronomics and Faculty of business and economics MUAF in Brno on the possibilities to deepen selected skills. Students of both faculties realize the necessity of further training. More than 96% of students consider the knowledge of foreign languages to be very important and prefer teaching grammar and conversation. Students evaluated the quality of teaching foreign languages at MZLU in Brno, too. Almost 40% of students of Faculty of agronomics and 70% of students of the Faculty of business and economics consider the teaching of foreign languages as insufficient. These negative views were probably influenced by a small extent of teaching languages during their studies. Communication skills represent another significant factor, and students evaluated the possibility to develop these skills, as well. 50% of respondents from the Faculty of agronomics evaluate these skills as necessary for practice and positively evaluate the development of these skills within teaching at MUAF in Brno. Positive evaluation of communication skills development was also found nearly in three quarters of respondents from Faculty of business and economics. |
Implementace standardů v eLearningových systémechRoman MaloActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2007, 55(3), 161-170|DOI:10.11118/actaun200755030161 Nowadays, eLearning standards' support within eLearning systems is much discussed problem. In this problem domain especially the reference model SCORM must be considered. This de-facto standard is a package of common standards and specifications used for the standardization of eLearning activities as eLearning content preparation, using e-course, communication etc. |
Vliv použítí polovlhké krmné směsi na převod rychleného plůdku candáta obecného (Sander lucioperca) do podmínek intenzivního chovuVít Baránek, Jan Mareš, Jiří Jirásek, Miroslav Prokeš, Petr SpurnýActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2007, 55(1), 17-24|DOI:10.11118/actaun200755010017 Conversion success of pond-reared zander (Sander lucioperca) fry was evaluated using three different converting methods: direct conversion to dry feed (Bio-Optimal Start 0.8 mm; variant A), three-day application of semimoist feeding mixture on the base of fish (variant B) and three-day application of semimoist mixture + three-day co-feeding of semimoist mixture and dry feed (variant C). Two replicates per treatment were applied. These three methods were evaluated regarding specific growth rate (SGR), condition coefficient (K), survival and cannibalism. Mean initial total length (TL) of fish was 35.22 ± 2.15 mm and mean individual weight (w) was 0.31 ± 0.05 g. There were 600 individuals in each circular tank. The initial stock density was 2 fish.l-1. Fish survival during a 14-day period of rearing ranged from 34.33 % (variant C) to 50.33 % (variant A). Significantly (P < 0.05) better conversion performance was achieved with variants A and B than with the variant C regarding all parameters. |
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