Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis (2024)

Results 1891 to 1920 of 2456:

Pseudomyiáze larvami dvoukřídlých (Diptera) v souvislosti s bioodpady - první záchyt v České republiceMarie Borkovcová, Pavel VeselýActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2008, 56(1), 19-24|DOI:10.11118/actaun200856010019

In the April of 2007, pseudomyiasis was detected in alimentary tract of two years old boy from South Moravia (Czech Republic). Contamination was caused by larvae of family Calliphoridae (Diptera), accidentally consummated with half-rotten fruits from bio compost. It is the first recent documented case of pseudomyiasis, and is closely connected with bio waste and ecological waste disposal. Usage of organic waste composting is increasing all around the world, motivated by demand for maximum recycling. While workrooms of bigger compost facilities are usually separated from public, waste containers in front of the houses or small composts in the gardens serving one family are freely accessible to public. These bio composts and waste containers attract many species of insects, especially from order Diptera. so for inhabitants of neighbouring houses this can represent certain health risk. In the location of findings, Dipteras were caught and their species spectrum was evaluated considering their ability to cause myiases or pseudomyiases.

Temperament holštýnsko-frízských krav při dojení v dojírně a jeho vztah k mléčné produkciAndrea Szentléleki, Jeremy Hervé, Ferenc Pajor, Daniel Falta, János TőzsérActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2008, 56(1), 201-208|DOI:10.11118/actaun200856010201

The aim of this study was to evaluate the change of temperament of Holstein cows scored before and during milking during the entire lactation and to calculate correlation between temperament measured in the two moments as well as milk production traits and temperament. Observations were carried out on 17 primiparous Holstein Friesian cows starting their lactation within 85 days. Measurements of temperament and milk production traits were taken once in each month of the lactation, during the morning milking, in a milking parlour. Temperament was assessed in a 5-point scale during udder preparation and milking procedure (1: very nervous, 5: very quiet). Data of milk yield and milk flow were collected individually on each test day morning. Results showed changes during the lactation in temperament of cows scored directly before milking (P < 0.01), however, temperament during milking did not alter with months (P > 0.10). By correlation coefficients, behaviour assessed in the two moments cannot be regarded as the same. In addition loose, significant relations were found only between milk traits and temperament before milking.

ANALÝZA VYBRANÝCH EKONOMICKÝCH A DEMOGRAFICKÝCH FAKTORŮ OVLIVŇUJÍCÍ ČESKÉ ZDRAVOTNICTVÍTomáš KotrbaActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2009, 57(6), 113-122|DOI:10.11118/actaun200957060113

Mission of the health care institutions is very different from the other organizations - healing illnesses and restore health of patients. The basic aim of this paper is to identify and describe selected factors of external environment based on the analysis and extrapolation of public economic and demographical data from the database of Czech statistical office, Institute for health information and statistic in the Czech Republic, OECD and database of European Commission which will have very significant influence for function of Czech health care system up to the 2050. People in the Czech Republic will be one of the oldest in the second part of the 21st century. This fact will be connected with higher expenses for health care with the consequences of numerous groups of older people. With the middle length of life is 74 years old by man and 80 years old by woman. There were 20 % of people over 60 years old in Czech population in 2005 and we can expect 37 % of these people in 2050. Future estimation assume grow of healthcare expenses from the present 6.0 % HDP in the 2007 to 7.6 % in the 2037 and 8.4 % in the 2060. The ratio of private expenses in the Czech healthcare system isn't big; it oscillates around 10 % of total expenses. The ratio of public expenses is still running down in the long time and doesn't reach the level of the other neighbouring states in the EU. Ageing of the population is connected with the total healthcare expenses per person growth as well; the expenses are very different according to the age of a person and are growing up with the age. The most significant growth can be seen from the age of fifty years. It was higher by 3.8 years of life for women and by 5.17 years for men if we compare years 1992 and 2007. The birth rate isn't sufficient for reproduction of population; Czech population will decrease. There will be lower total number of economically active people according to the assumptions of European commission. Therefore it will be very necessary to reform the heath care system which is based on the obligatory health insurance. The solution can be a higher participation of private sector and subsequent political direct and indirect measures, as well.

VLIV MĚNOVÉHO KURZU EUR/USD NA VÝNOSNOST DOLAROVÝCH DLUHOPISOVÝCH INVESTIC Z POHLEDU EUROVÉHO INVESTORAOldřich ŠobaActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2009, 57(6), 275-286|DOI:10.11118/actaun200957060275

Investment opportunities into foreign curruncies financial assets are rising because of financial markets globalization, financial markets integration and evolution of modern information technologies. The currency risk relates to these cases when investor converts cash from and into domestic currency. The currency risk is determined by unexcepeted change of exchange rate (currency of financial asset denomination / investor's domestic currency) during duration of the investment.
Objective of the paper is quantification and analysis of exchange rate EUR/USD impact on the rate of return of bond investments denominated in US dollar from the point of view of a euro investor for investment horizons of different length.
The analysis is realized for following investment horizons: 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 5 years, 7 years, 10 year and 12 year. Complementary investment horizons are: month and 15 year. Bond investments denominated just US dollar are represented by investments into ING bond unit trust in period December 1989-December 2007. The unit trust invests into bonds with high rating (for example governmants bonds etc.). These bonds are denominated in USD only. Methodology of the analysis is based on quantification of proportion of exchange rate EUR/USD impact on the rate of return of bond investment denominated in USD. The share is based on basic piece of knowledge of the uncovered interest rate parity.

MODELOVÁNÍ 3D MIKROSKOPICKÉ STAVBY LISTNATÉHO DŘEVA S KRUHOVITĚ PÓROVITOU STAVBOUR. Neugebauer, Vladimír Gryc, Hanuš VavrčíkActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2009, 57(5), 221-228|DOI:10.11118/actaun200957050221

Nowadays many scientific 3D models of wood are available. These models are suitable only for simulation of physical fields movements in wood but not for educational purposes especially demonstration of microscopic structure of wood.
3D structure of ring-porous hardwood species was created. European ash (Faraxinus excelsior L.) was selected due to its relatively simple wood structure than other wood species within ring-porous group. The model was created by manual modelling process in Rhinoceros 4.0 that is a software for visualization and modelling. Microslides were prepared from sample of ash to take micro photos that were used as a visual source for modelling. Beside these pictures made by authors of this paper other microphotos from wood anatomy publications were used. Created 3D model of ash is a VRML object (Virtual Reality Modelling Language). This format is available to viewing and presentation with severe freeware VRML browsers. These VRML browsers are available as a plug-in for standard internet browsers or as standalone VRML browsers. The model is useful for studying and teaching microscopic structure of ring-porous hardwood species. It was created such a way to be as exact copy of original anatomical structure of ash wood as possible. The paper may be used as a cue for other authors to create their own 3D models of different wood kinds.

Odezva bramborových hlíz na rázové zatěžováníŠárka NedomováActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2009, 57(4), 63-72|DOI:10.11118/actaun200957040063

The response of tubers of nine varieties of potatoes to the bar impact have been evaluated. The proposed method enables to obtain force - time record. The response function is represented by the time history of the surface displacement. This function has been recorded using laser vibrometer technique. The main features of the force and displacement function have been found both in the time and frequency domain. It has been found that given method can be used for the detection of the potato tubers damage origin as well as for the differentiation among different varieties of the potatoes. There is also a chance to evaluate the main mechanical characteristics of the potato tubers by non - destructive way.

TEORETICKÝ PŘÍSTUP K TVORBĚ UŽIVATELSKÉHO ROZHRANÍ SOFTWAROVÝCH SYSTÉMŮMilan MišovičActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2009, 57(3), 107-114|DOI:10.11118/actaun200957030107

A graphical user interface (GUI) of any web-based object or classical structural enterprise business software constantly hasn't lost its user importance. It really stays as a one of very relevant manners for a client communication with any contemporary developed software units (programs, applications, modules and Software Complex Systems). In addition to this mission, every GUI is regarded as a one of three considerable basic software unit layers. GUI units can be inherently positioned inside software units or we can separate them and construct a special GUI system over GUI units. Naturally, we have to define a manner of communication between software units and GUI units. This approach enables, on a system platform, to investigate not only structure and functionality of GUI units, but also relations among them. We can use the system platform on three levels, a theoretical level, a level of GUI modeling and a level of GUI development. Especially the theoretical investigation of the GUI system can bring for analysts and developers-programmers a new knowledge about the GUI units' behavior and relations. It can equip them by very detailed information about formal tools concerning any GUI system functionality description and help them to improve a process of GUI system construction.

Vliv hnojení sírou na výnos a kvalitu semen hořčice bíléPavel RyantActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2009, 57(2), 95-104|DOI:10.11118/actaun200957020095

The objective of the present study was to estimate the effect of different forms of sulphur on yields and qualitative parameters of white mustard seeds. This topic was studied in 2004 in the form of a pot trial in a vegetation hall and linked up with an identical experiment with spring wheat conducted in 2003. Besides the control variant not fertilised with sulphur (1) we fertilised the soil with elemental sulphur (2), ammonium sulphate (3) and gypsum (4) and applied foliar dressing of elemental sulphur with bentonite (5). For all variants the nitrogen dose was 0.9 g per pot (0.15 of soil) and for variants 2 to 4 it was 1 g of sulphur per pot (0.17 g. kg-1 of soil). Foliar dressing of elemental sulphur (S0) was not applied until the stage of six true leaves in a dose of 10 kg per ha (0.032 g per pot).
Significantly higher yields of white mustard seeds were achieved after foliar application of S0 which can be also due to its fungicide action. The variants where gypsum was applied showed the highest average number of branches and pods and also straw yields. After gypsum fertilisation or foliar application of S0 the oil content in the mustard seeds exceeded 25%; this is the minimal content required for the production of good quality mustard. The 1000-seed weight was significantly higher after foliar application of S0. The proportion of seeds greyish on the surface, a sign of mildew, significantly decreased after fertilisation with all forms of sulphur, but most of all after foliar application of S0.
Fertilisation with ammonium sulphate reduced the exchangeable soil reaction after harvest. On the other hand gypsum alkalised the soil environment and increased the content of available calcium and water-soluble sulphur. The soil of the variant where foliar dressing of S0 was applied had a higher content of available calcium after harvest. The least amount of available sulphur and phosphorus in the soil was seen after foliar application of S0 signalising a more efficient uptake of nutrients from the soil for the production of seed yields and for the quality of the seeds.

Výzkum CRM systémů v České republiceFrantišek DařenaActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2008, 56(3), 29-34|DOI:10.11118/actaun200856030029

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is seen as a holistic framework for interaction of organizations with their customers. It is focused on gaining customers' loyalty through providing the value positively perceived by the customers and usually incorporates information and communication technologies in the form of CRM systems. The paper discusses various aspects of CRM philosophy and utilization of information and communication technologies in relation to CRM. A survey that was conducted among three hundred organizations in the Czech Republic (among them some major companies, such as ČEZ, T-Mobile, Česká spořitelna and others). The objective of the survey was to discover the scope and level of using CRM systems, factors influencing decisions about CRM, understanding the CRM concept, evaluating CRM benefits, issues related to implementation and others. Organizations mostly perceive CRM as a profitable approach although they do not see it as a global philosophy but rather as a set of separated tools. The most relevant argument for CRM implementation include better contact management, better understanding the customers, higher number of retained customers, longer relationships with customers and higher customer satisfaction.

PREZENTACE DIGITÁLNÍCH LESNICKÝCH MAP POMOCÍ WEBOVÝCH MAPOVÝCH SLUŽEBMartin Klimánek, Miloš CibulkaActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2008, 56(2), 293-298|DOI:10.11118/actaun200856020293

The Web Mapping Services (WMS) are very useful means for presentation of digital geospatial data in the Internet environment. Typical Open Source example of these services is development environment MapServer, which was originally developed by the University of Minnesota ForNet project in cooperation with NASA and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. MapServer is not a full-featured Geographical Information System (GIS), but provides the core functionality to support a wide variety of web applications. Complex and open information system about forest (and cultural) land is presented in real example of MapServer application with data from the Mendel University Training Forest. MapServer is used in effective representing of data for the University Forest staff, students and general public from October 2002. MapServer is usually applied in education process of GIS and Remote Sensing and for sharing of the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology Departments geospatial data.

Využití harvestorových technologií těžby dříví v procesně orientovaném prostředíPavel Máchal, Luboš BartošActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2009, 57(4), 25-30|DOI:10.11118/actaun200957040025

Harvester technologies of timber logging currently represent the high spot of technologies used in forestry for timber harvesting and forwarding. A typical feature of the "harvester-forwarder" combination is production rate, which is many times higher than in the commonly used technology of "power chainsaw-tractor" (Lukáč, T., 2005). Other major features prevailing in harvester technologies include an appreciably high level of work hygiene and a significant reduction of environmental burden, which is certainly beneficial for the environment.
Harvester technologies of timber logging are currently an integral part of sustainable forest management.
This paper focuses on finding options for the application of harvester technologies in selected entities based on the analysis of selected factors that can be greatly affected by the technologies.

ODHAD VLASTNOSTÍ DŘEVA POMOCÍ ZATLAČOVÁNÍ TRNU S RŮZNÝM TVAREM PENETRAČNÍHO HROTUMichal Kloiber, Mária Kotlínová, Jan TippnerActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2009, 57(2), 53-60|DOI:10.11118/actaun200957020053

The existing penetration methods for the identification of the density of wood that forms a part of structures do not make it possible to describe the density in the entire element profile but only on its surface. However, wood density changes throughout the profile which affects the accuracy of the density determination. The instruments used until now based on the principle of a pin shot into the material thus needed to be supplemented with a test during which the pin would be pushed at least to the centre of the measured element. Pins of 3 mm in diameter were manufactured with a special jig fastening them to a universal testing machine. Using the testing machine, the force required to push the pin in was measured at a constant travel speed. It has been found out that the mechanical work needed for the pin penetration correlates very well with the wood density determined in the surroundings of the place where the pin was pushed in.

3D vizualizace a tvorba konečně prvkové sítě z anatomických vzorků dřeva, Část II - Algoritmický přístupPetr KoňasActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2009, 57(1), 79-88|DOI:10.11118/actaun200957010079

Paper presents new original application WOOD3D in form of program code assembling. The work extends the previous article "Part I - Theoretical approach" in detail description of implemented C++ classes of utilized projects Visualization Toolkit (VTK), Insight Toolkit (ITK) and MIMX. Code is written in CMake style and it is available as multiplatform application. Currently GNU Linux (32/64b) and MS Windows (32/64b) platforms were released. Article discusses various filter classes for image filtering. Mainly Otsu and Binary threshold filters are classified for anatomy wood samples thresholding. Registration of images series is emphasized for difference of colour spaces compensation is included. Resulted work flow of image analysis is new methodological approach for images processing through the composition, visualization, filtering, registration and finite element mesh formation. Application generates script in ANSYS parametric design language (APDL) which is fully compatible with ANSYS finite element solver and designer environment. The script includes the whole definition of unstructured finite element mesh formed by individual elements and nodes. Due to simple notation, the same script can be used for generation of geometrical entities in element positions. Such formed volumetric entities are prepared for further geometry approximation (e.g. by boolean or more advanced methods). Hexahedral and tetrahedral types of mesh elements are formed on user request with specified mesh options. Hexahedral meshes are formed both with uniform element size and with anisotropic character. Modified octree method for hexahedral mesh with anisotropic character was declared in application. Multicore CPUs in the application are supported for fast image analysis realization. Visualization of image series and consequent 3D image are realized in VTK format sufficiently known and public format, visualized in GPL application Paraview. Future work based on mesh improvement through mesh error statistic, image acquisition and thresholding improvement by more sophisticated filters together with code optimization for fast image analysis is discussed. Also fractal characteristics classification on microscopic scale level is taken into account for further work.


This article deals with the change of mechanical properties of the Spruce wood (Picea abies L. Karst.) which was exposed to the attack of the wood-destroying fungus Serpula lacrymans Schröter.
An activity of the wood-destroying fungus has negattive effect on the wood and its properties. Growth of the wood-destroying fungus causes degradation of the chemical components of wood. Due to this the mechanical properties are changed and strength of the degraded wood is decreasing with extend of the activity time of the wood-destroying fungus. Together with this Serpula lacrymans Schröter causes the weight-shortage.
For tests in this article have been chosen the times of one, two and three months of the wood-destroying fungus attack. And then have been established weight-shortage and determined the strength of the degraded wood with Serpula lacrymans Schröter.

Vliv genotypu a věku na kvalitu jatečně opracovaného těla u brojlerů a nosných kohoutkůMartina Lichovníková, Alžbeta JarošováActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2008, 56(4), 121-126|DOI:10.11118/actaun200856040121

In the study the carcass quality of fast growing broilers (F) and slow growing layer males (S) was compared. The effect of age on the carcass quality of S (S1, S2) was also evaluated. The weights of the carcasses were as follows: F 1110 g, S at 90 days of age 1116 g (S1) and S at the age of 132 days 1878 g (S2). Despite similar carcass weight in F and S1, the weight of the breast, and it's proportion to the total body weight was significantly higher (P < 0.001) in F (265 g and 23.9% vs. S1 174 g and 15.6%). Continued fattening of the layer males resulted in increased breast weight (S2 276 g, P < 0.001) but not in breast proportion (S2 14.7%).
The weight of the legs was significantly higher (P < 0.001) in S1 in comparison with F, but it was due to the heavier weight of the leg bones in S1 (P < 0.001). There was no difference neither in the weight of the leg muscles, nor of the leg proportions between F and S1. The proportion of the leg muscles increased significantly (P < 0.05) in S2 (25.6%) in comparison with S1 (24.1%). The content of abdominal fat, fat in the breast and fat in the leg muscles was significantly lower (P < 0.01, P < 0.01, P < 0.05, respectively) in the layer males S1 in comparison with the F broilers. The proportion of abdominal fat was 1.79% in F, and 0.54% in S1. The content of the breast fat was 1.24% in F and 0.56% in S1. The proportion of fat in the leg muscles was 8.45% in F and 2.78% in S1. As the birds became older, the content of the fat increased: the abdominal fat in S2 - 1.38% (P < 0.01), the breast fat in S2 - 0.96% (P < 0.01) and the leg muscles fat in S2 - 3.94% (P < 0.05). There was significantly lower (P < 0.001) content of dry matter in S1 than in F both in the breast and in the leg muscles.
At the same carcass weight as the broilers, the layer males had a lower proportion of breast meat and also a lower content of abdominal fat, fat in the breast and fat in the leg muscles. The proportion of the leg muscles was comparable between the two groups. Concerning meat production, the quality of the carcasses of the layer males improved with age. Comparing the F carcasses with weight at 1110 g with the S2 carcass with weight of 1878 g, the weigh of the breast was almost the same, the weight of the leg muscles was higher in S2, and mainly the content of the fat in leg muscles was lower. The content of the abdominal fat and the breast fat was similar in both groups.

Dynamika růstu listů Festulolium a Dactylis glomerata na konci vegetačního obdobíJiří SkládankaActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2008, 56(4), 273-280|DOI:10.11118/actaun200856040273

The paper is focused on the assessment of leaf extension rate (LER), leaf appearance rate (LAR) and leaf senescence rate (LSR) in the Festulolium (Festuca arundinacea Schreb. × Lolium multiflorum Lam.) and in the Dactylis glomerata L. at the end of the growing season from the end of September to the beginning of December. In summer, the swards were used for a single cut (beginning of June) or for a double cut (beginning of June and end of July). Measurements were made in three periods from 14 Sept. to 11 Oct., from 11 Oct. to 29 Oct., and from 29 Oct. to 6 Dec. In the first period, LER was higher in Dactylis glomerata L. (3.770 mm tiller-1 d-1) than in Festulolium (2.376 mm tiller-1 d-1). In the second and third period, LER was higher in Festulolium (0.859 resp. 0.271 mm tiller-1 d-1) than in Dactylis glomerata L. (0.694, resp. 0.199 mm tiller-1 d-1). LAR values measured in Festulolium in the studied periods were 0.277 leaf tiller-1 d-1, 0.079 leaf tiller-1 d-1 and 0.038 leaf tiller-1 d-1 and LAR values of Dactylis glomerata L. were 0.225 leaf tiller-1 d-1, 0.054 leaf tiller-1 d-1 and 0.027 leaf tiller-1 d-1. In the course of the whole period of study, LSR showed the highest values in Dactylis glomerata L. (7.869 mm tiller-1 d-1, 5.947 mm tiller-1 d-1 and 4.757 mm tiller-1 d-1) while the LSR values of Festulolium were lower (2.904 mm tiller-1 d-1, 2.375 mm tiller-1 d-1 and 1.205 mm tiller-1 d-1). The influence of both the species and the period of measurement on the LER, LAR and LSR values was statistically highly significant (P < 0.01) to very highly significant (P < 0.001). The interaction between the species and the period of measurement was very highly significant (P < 0.001) in the LER characteristic. The influence of the intensity of sward use in summer on the LSR values was very highly significant (P < 0.001), too.

Příspěvek k poznání vlivu drobných hlodavců na obnovu lesních dřevin ve vybraných porostech Kelečské pahorkatiny (okres Přerov, Česká republika)Josef SuchomelActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2008, 56(1), 267-270|DOI:10.11118/actaun200856010267

Effects of small mammals were studied on the regeneration of trees in a forest reserve and on forest plantation in the area of the Kelečská pahorkatina Upland with a view to stands of European beech (Fagus sylvatica). Inspection of bark damage was carried out and artificial regeneration was markedly more susceptible to damage (p < 0.01). Of the total number of monitored beech trees 57.5% were damaged in artificial regeneration compared to 12.7% in natural regeneration and 15% died as against 0%. The only pest proved by trapping was Myodes glareolus although damage of tree bases could mean damage caused by species of the genus Microtus. With respect to the large crop of seeds (beech nuts) in 2006, it is possible to expect increase in the population of rodents in the next season and thus increased damage to trees. Results obtained show that it is very important to support natural regeneration and as for planting to minimize the herb layer cover in the vicinity of trees, which represents the optimum environment for the occurrence of rodents.

HODNOCENÍ PŘIPRAVENOSTI EGOVERNMENTU ČESKÉ REPUBLIKYJana AndrýskováActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2009, 57(6), 13-18|DOI:10.11118/actaun200957060013

Modern information technologies has entered all spheres of human activities, public administration authorities are not exceptions. There has been significantly increasing tendency in using information and communication technologies since beginning of the century in public administration. Despite of some indicators, progress of public administration information systems is too slow. Several organizations are engaged of eGovernment assessment at the international level. We can find some variations in the methodologies that cause different ranking of some countries in international comparison. The main goal of this paper is to analyze and assess the present state of Czech Republic eGovernment with using both external indicators and internal indicators. eGovernment index, developed by United Nations, will be the main external indicator of eGovernment quality of the Czech Republic. It includes both potential for eGovernment development and its implementation, and it's the most complete international ranking at present. It is defined as average of the telecommunication infrastructure index, the human capital index and the web measure index. It represents overall country ability to engage and implement eGovernment. Internal ranking of the Czech Republic eGovernment will be based upon eGovernment level coefficient, that is defined as multi-dimensional model based on technology and communication facility index, Internet using index, using of public administration services by persons and companies, poviding obligatory information, existence of electronic registry on web pages, web pages accessability and language mutations. Selected statistic data are related to information society and using information technologies in public administration and were published on Czech Statistical Office or evaluated on the bases of previous years' development.

Zhodnotenie úrovne používania direct mailingu v krajinách V4Ľudmila Nagyová, Patrik Rovný, Jana Stávková, Ľudmila MajchrovičováActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2009, 57(6), 169-178|DOI:10.11118/actaun200957060169

The aim is to assess the possibilities of future developments of Direct Marketing in the Visegrad group. Particular attention is paid to the fact that even when there is a single political grouping of states, which between them reported psychological closeness, there are differences between them, to be taken into account. Significant differences are primarily in consumer attitudes and preferences, their purchasing decisions as well as acceptance of the various tools of communication mix.
Direct Marketing is form of marketing communication aimed on exact selection of target group and its effective addressing. Contrary to the Mass Marketing, each customer is addressed individually and directly, and databases of potential or regular customers are used. One form of Direct Marketing is Direct Mail. It is the oldest and most advanced tool of Direct Marketing. Also called mailing, it is the most important tool of Direct Marketing.
The country with the highest amount of delivered mailings is Czech Republic. Up to 82% of respondents indicated that Direct Mail receives often or very often. In Slovak Republic, Poland and the Czech Republic, more than half of respondents read the received mailings only occasionally. Significantly overwhelming majority of Slovaks, Czechs and Poles responds to the delivered mailings by checking out the sender's web site firstly, or establishing the contact via e-mail. Hungarian respondents prefer answer sheet the most.

OLFAKTOMETRICKÉ ZAŤAŽENIE OVZDUŠIALucia HaraslínováActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2009, 57(5), 111-118|DOI:10.11118/actaun200957050111

This paper describes the olfactometric assessment of volatile organic compounds emitted by coating films.
It describes the measurements of concentration, intensity, hedonic tone and character of odor caused by emissions of volatile organic compounds. VOCs' emitted in to the small-space chamber with capacity of 1 m3 were tested by dynamic olfactometric method. Paper also contains a comparison of olfactometric air pollution of two different types of coating films. The work is aimed to determine the relationships and dependencies between the measured values of volatile organic compounds obtained by the gas chromatography and reported sensation.

HODNOCENÍ ZÁJMŮ OCHRANY PŘÍRODY A FUNKCÍ LESŮ NA PŘÍKLADU CHRÁNĚNÉ KRAJINNÉ OBLASTI ČESKÝ LESJitka Fialová, Ilja Vyskot, Jiří SchneiderActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2009, 57(1), 35-40|DOI:10.11118/actaun200957010035

The aim of the work was to interconnect known aspects of nature conservation, which are projected in the zonation, with the quantification of forests and find out, if the interests of nature protection are in the conjuction with the high functional effectivenes of forests. For the quantification of forest functions the metod by Vyskot et al. (2003) was used. The results of quantification demonstrate that the existing zonation is one-sided and that the zonation does not fully respect the interest of nature conservation and forest function in common. According to the conflicts the new PLA Český les zonation by the disertation's method was created. The quantification is applicable not only for the new zonation but also for the preparation of foundational or management documents.

SITUACE A TRENDY V INFORMAČNÍCH TECHNOLOGIÍCH PRO PODPORU OBCHODOVÁNÍNaděžda Chalupová, Arnošt MotyčkaActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2008, 56(6), 25-36|DOI:10.11118/actaun200856060025

During last years information and communication technologies (ICT) are developing very dynamically and are penetrating into a lot of various business areas. Its perceiving is progressively changing from something rather sporadic, bringing a competitive advantage on the market, to absolute necessity determining existence or inexistence of certain enterprise among organizations able to compete.
The paper maps actual state and evaluates develop needs in area of trade support by ICT devices in czech as well as european society in general, and this on the basis of accessible statistical evidences, publicised studies and various researches outcomes and other conducting sources. It notices problems or lacks in this area and it identifies trends in its solution.
Some simple indicators and also complex indicator so-called "e-business index" are monitored for evaluating of actual state of ICT using in sphere of trading and also in order to possibility of successive identification of trends in this area. This summary indicator measures level of ICT using in certain enterprise, and integrates in itself, among others, some from mentioned simple statistics too. It is constructed from four main general subcategories, which are in more detailed way separated onwards.

Dotazníková akce o odčervovacích praktikách v chovech koní v České republiceMarie BorkovcováActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2008, 56(4), 223-230|DOI:10.11118/actaun200856040223

In year 2006 a survey was done in Czech Republic, in order to gain data about strategy of parasite control and grazing management of horse breeders and owners. 80 questionnaires were evaluated altogether. 82.5% of breeders claimed self-responsibility for helminth control. All interviewed do the parasite control in all horses at the same time. The results show that in stabled horses the helminth controls are done in interval of 2-4 months. 55% do the helminth control in April. 91.25% variegate the medicaments. Most frequently used drug was Panacur. Calculation of needed dose is by 47.5% respondents done according to the weight of horse. 86.25% graze horses, 52.2% change pastures, 53.6% breeders clean pastures. 32.5% do the parasite control by examining the excrements, but none of them uses the results to change the strategy of helminth control or grazing management. 72.5% had never observed any sign of illness of their horses related with parasites, 10% mentioned skin problems. 70% respondents call in for a veterinarian when there is a problematic case. 17.5% breeders encountered resistance and 36.25% consider the resistance as problem. 72.5% apply the helminth control according to the veterinarian's advice. 85% consider their parasite-fighting strategy as suitable.

Možnost použití sušených organických a organominerálních hnojiv jako náhrady za chlévský hnůj u raného květákuStanislav Boček, Ivan Malý, Šárka PatočkováActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2008, 56(2), 21-30|DOI:10.11118/actaun200856020021

Experiments were conducted in field plots to evaluate the effects of three alternative dried organic, or organomineral, fertilizers on yield and quality of the early maturing cauliflower variety, 'Gameta'. Plots were established in Žabčice (South Moravia, Czech Republic) in 2005-2007. We used the following fertilization treatments: Agormin T, Agro, Dvorecký agroferm, cattle farmyard manure and solo mineral fertilizers, compared to an unfertilized control. All plots, except the control, were fertilized to achieve the same level of nutrients, as determined by the soil analyses and the chosen target yield. We assessed the following traits at harvest: weight of above-ground mass, marketable yield, head weight and head diameter. Levels of ascorbic acid, nitrates, dry matter and mineral ions (potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium) were measured in the heads. Agormin T significantly increased the weight of above-ground mass and total marketable yield. All organic fertilizers significantly increased head weight and head diameter in comparison to both the unfertilized control and mineral fertilizers. Ascorbic acid levels were not significantly affected by the fertilizers. The highest value of ascorbic acid was observed for farmyard manure, the lowest for Dvorecký agroferm. Dried fertilizers had no positive effect on ascorbic acid levels and total solids, as compared to farmyard manure. In contrast, Agormin T resulted in significantly lower levels of dry matter. Solo mineral fertilization resulted in the highest levels of nitrates in cauliflower heads. Fertilization with Agro and farmyard manure significantly increased the levels of nitrates in heads, as compared to the control, but all values were under the hygienic limit. The different fertilizer treatments did not have any significant effects on the levels of mineral cations. The dried granulated fertilizers Agormin T, Agro and Dvorecký agroferm were shown to be good alternatives to bulky farmyard manure for early ripening cauliflower. Only Agormin T decreased the dry matter content in heads.

ÚVODNÍ ANALÝZA SITUACE V ODVĚTVÍ VINAŘSTVÍ V ČR OD ROKU 1989Radka Šperková, Jiří DudaActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2009, 57(6), 287-296|DOI:10.11118/actaun200957060287

External environment factors influencing Czech wine production industry went have been significantly changing in the past 20 years. Objective of this paper is to identify and describe selected external environment factors influencing this industry.
Changes in the Czech Republic in 1989 significantly influenced all industries in the Czech economy, including wine production. The most significant include the transition from planned socialistic economy to the market economy, establishment of the Czech Republic (January 1, 1993), entrance European Union (May 1, 2004). For the wine production industry it brought for example opening the domestic market to competition, simplifying international trade with EU-member countries, stabilization of the area of vineyards including the ban on their extension, establishment of the Wine Fund, establishment of non-governmental organisations supporting activities of wine producers (e.g. Union of wine producers of the Czech Republic, National Wine centre, Moravín, Partnership foundation), etc. Significant changes can be found also in the field of wine-marketing and promotion of wines. Wines from the Czech Republic are sold in foreign markets and achieve awards within international trade fairs and wine exhibitions, Czech Republic organises wine trade fairs, e.g. Vinex or Wine and distilled products, Wine fund have registered the trademark "Svatomartinské víno" (St. Martin Wine), etc. Other significant factors identified within macro-environment analysis include continuous changes in wine production technology. Here we can expect that in the future, there will grow the use of PET bottles, which could replace the classical glass bottles, just as it happened in the soft-drinks production industry. Changes happened also in the field of legislature, and were connected with updating the law on winegrowing and wine production, change of the VAT to 19 %, cancellation of the consumption tax on wine or new titles of subsidies.
Also the buyer behaviour goes through a gradual development and it is influenced by many factors. Therefore the paper includes statistical evaluation of dependence between the average monthly wages and wine consumption. Calculated values show a semi-strong positive linear dependence of these two factors.

Celkový obsah uhlíku a kvalita humusových látek u vybraných subtypů kambizemíVeronika Petrášová, Jiří Martinec, Ľubica PospíšilováActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2009, 57(4), 73-82|DOI:10.11118/actaun200957040073

Cambisols cover an estimated 45% of agricultural soils in the Czech Republic. We aimed our work at stabile forms of organic carbon and humic substances quality in Cambisols under different types of soil management (grassland and arable soil). Object of our study were the following subtypes of Cambisols: Eutric Cambisol (locality Vatín - arable soil), Eutric Cambisol (locality Vatín - grassland), Haplic Cambisol (locality Náměšť n/Oslavou - arable soil), Leptic Cambisol (locality Ocmanice - grassland), Haplic Cambisol (locality Nové Město na Moravě - arable soil), Haplic Cambisol (locality Přemyslov - Tři Kameny - grassland), Arenic Cambisol (locality Pocoucov - arable soil), Dystric Cambisol (locality Sněžné - arable soil), Dystric Cambisol (locality Velká Skrovnice - arable soil), Dystric Cambisol (locality Vojnův Městec - arable soil). Non-destructive spectroscopic methods such as UV-VIS spectroscopy, synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy (SFS) and 13C NMR spectroscopy for humic substances (HS) quality assessment were used. Total organic carbon (TOC) content was determined by oxidimetric titration. Fractionation of HS was made by short fractionation method. Isolation of pure humic acids (HA) preparation was made according to the standard IHSS method.
Results showed that TOC and humus content varied from 2.70 % (grassland) to 1.3 % (arable soil). Average HS sum was 8.4 mg/kg in grassland and 6.4 mg/kg in arable soil. Average HA sum was 3.6 mg/kg in grassland and 3 mg/kg in arable soil. Fulvic acids (FA) content was 4.7 mg/kg in grassland and 3.7 mg/kg in arable soil. HS quality was low and very similar for all studied samples. HA/FA ratio low (< 1). HS absorbance in UV-VIS spectral range was low and similar in all studied samples. Higher absorption in this spectral range was closely connected with higher HS content. Also in 2D-synchronous fluorescence scan spectra similar shape of spectral lines was detected. Relative fluorescence intensity strongly depended on HA and FA content. Five main fluorescence peaks for HA and FA presence at λex./ λem.: 468/488, 482/502, 450/470, 376/396, 340/360 at constant difference of Δλ=20 nm were measured. 13C NMR spectra of HA isolated from Eutric Cambisol showed low aromaticity degree and high content of aliphatic moieties. HA were young (= less aromatic compounds in HA molecule) and no differences in HA structure were detected to compare arable soil and grassland.

Vnímanie kvality chleba spotrebiteľomĽudmila Nagyová, Patrik Rovný, Jana Stávková, Martina Uličná, Ľudmila MaďarováActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2009, 57(3), 115-122|DOI:10.11118/actaun200957030115

The aim of this paper is to evaluate consumers' perception of bread quality in Slovakia. Bread belongs to essential foodstuffs and we all have it served on our table every day.
Cereal products keep their importance in people's nutrition mainly because of their preventive effects on health. They saturate about 40 % of the daily energy need of an average European, who in average acquires from cereals about 30 % of proteins, vitamin B1, niatin and phosphorus, around 1/6 of fats (out of it 19 % of linol acid), almost 60 % of saccharides, 1/4 iron and about 13 % of vitamin B2 and calcium. If we add some cereal fiber which is an effective prevention factor of cardiovascular diseases, metabolic and oncological diseases of colon and anus, we will get a complex picture about positive effects of cereals in our nutrition. If we were to mark any foodstuff which has been accompanying the mankind in the course of history, it could be bread. Its consummation is spread in the whole world. Only the ones who once suffered from its lack have recognized its value.
It results from our research that consumers in Slovakia prefer consuming the wheat-ray bread (38.5 %). The respondents - consumers prefer at choosing buying bread in terms of the external, subjective factors, the overall shape when choosing bread (45 %) and dark color of crust (25 %). They showed minimum interest in white color crust and packaging size. In terms of the internal, objective factors, the most important factor for respondents, for women as well as for men was freshness of foodstuffs followed by fiber (with a big difference) (12.82 %).
Almost 60 % of bread consumers claimed that they did not have any possibility to obtain the required information regarding bread in supermarkets and hypermarkets because it is not possible to find professional staff providing them with the required information. A different situation is in the classical, small, self-service, and specialized stores, where personal contact of a shop-assistant and a customer is more often. Results of the performed marketing research of consumer behavior in the market with bakery products will become a sort of the initial basis for departments involved in the research. The team of co-authors have the task to define bread quality on the basis of chemical analyses in accordance with consumers needs.

MODELOVÁNÍ OHYBOVÉHO NAMÁHÁNÍ DEMONTOVATELNÝCH NÁBYTKOVÝCH SPOJŮ METODOU KONEČNÝCH PRVKŮMilan Šimek, Petr KoňasActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2009, 57(1), 137-146|DOI:10.11118/actaun200957010137

Presented work focuses on bending moment stress modeling of dismountable furniture joints with a use of Finite Element Method. The joints are created from Minifix and Rondorfix cams combined with non-glued wooden dowels. Laminated particleboard 18 mm of thickness is used as a connected material. The connectors were chosen such as the most applied kind in furniture industry for the case furniture. All gained results were reciprocally compared to each other and also in comparison to experimental testing by the mean of stiffness. The non-linear numerical model of chosen joints was successfully created using the software Ansys Workbench. The detailed analysis of stress distribution in the joint was achieved with non-linear numerical simulation. A relationship between numerical simulation and experimental testing was showed by comparison stiffness tangents. A numerical simulation of RTA joint loads also demonstrated the important role of non-glued dowels in the tested joints. The low strength of particleboard in the tension parallel to surface (internal bond) is the most likely the cause of the joint failure. Results are applicable for strength designing of furniture with the aid of Computer Aided Engineering.

SLEDOVÁNÍ VÝSKYTU PSYCHROTROFNÍCH MIKROORGANISMŮ V SYROVÉM MLÉCERadka Burdychová, Petra HoferkováActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2008, 56(4), 21-28|DOI:10.11118/actaun200856040021

The group of psychrotrophic microorganisms belongs to the microorganisms representing a risk for human health as well as a risk of milk and milk products spoilage. Some genus are considered to be significant producers of proteolytic and lipolytic enzymes. In this work, we analysed raw milk samples (n = 109) originated from 26 different suppliers from the area of North and Middle Moravia. The screening was performed from March 2007 to February 2008. The total bacterial counts (TBC) ranged between 3.2 × 103 to 8.3 × 106 CFU/ml. The psychrotrophic bacterial counts (PBC) ranged between 1.0 × 103 to 8.2 × 106 CFU/ml. Total of 48.62 % and 48.62 % of samples exceeded the hygienic limit in raw milk for TBC and PBC, respectively. The correlation between TBC and PBC was highly significant (r = 0.87).
Significantly higher (P < 0.05) numbers of psychrotrophic microorganisms were detected in summer months. The identification of isolates was carried out and all strains were sreened for ability to produce proteolytic and lipolytic enzymes. The most commonly identified genus in raw milk was of the genus Pseudomonas. The ability to produce proteases or lipases was found at 76 % identified bacterial strains.

Vývoj pevnosti broskví během období sklizněLibor SeveraActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2008, 56(4), 169-176|DOI:10.11118/actaun200856040169

The objective of the present study is to characterize the rheological properties of peaches according to the results of puncture test force/displacement curves. The measurements were carried out on the universal testing machine. The firmness of the peaches was measured on the equatorial side of the fruit. Four measurements were carried out on each fruit by varying the orientation at intervals by about 90°. The used approach computed six texture parameters from the curves, which were supposed to be representative of skin hardness, fruit deformation before skin rupture, flesh firmness and mechanical work needed to penetrate the fruit. The data were fitted by an exponential function. The correlation is not statistically significant. Its value only support the hypothesis about decrease of the skin strength and other values. Generally, there is a decreases with time from the harvest beginning but the scatter of the data is too high. The results show that used method enables to describe the peach firmness development during the harvest period but the effective use of this method is based on the large number of experiments which are destructive in their nature. Some new approach is briefly outlined.
Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis (2024)
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